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High Street Bells Choir is supported by a team of skilled and committed volunteers. Our volunteers are the lifeblood of the choir, and it is only through their help that we can continue to operate. Volunteers assist at rehearsal and events providing social, musical, event and administrative support.


Our volunteers include current and retired professionals, refugees, students, musicians. The common thread between all of them is their generosity in supporting others and contributing to this vibrant community.


We welcome more people to join our team of volunteers. Find out how you can get involved below. 


Our social volunteers prepare tea and coffee to serve a light lunch after every rehearsal. While lunch is served, lots of conversations about people's lives are shared. In between the tea and coffee, volunteers find time to sing with the Choir and help set up the lunch room.





Since the Choir began in April 2010, volunteers have assisted with all aspects of administration.


This was formalised in 2013 with formation of a management committee.





Get in touch to help us with the Choir's ongoing promotion including Facebook, radio interviews for Choir members, booking singing events, taking and archiving photos, filing and uploading videos to youtube and looking after the website.




Securing funding is an ongoing challenge. 


We always appreciate any assistance with ideas for fundraising, someone who can help us write applications and generally help strengthen our ability to provide ongoing rehearsals.




Musicians have offered their talents by accompanying the Choir, writing songs with the Choir and performing a song at events. 


Recording rehearsals and concerts helps new singers learn songs.


Contact us to share your musical talent!

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